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Rooted in Reading – 5 key benefits of the blue reading passport

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

The second passport we produced, the blue one, was conceived as a more primary-orientated version of the original green passport. The main points about the green passport are covered here.

Key Benefits of the Blue passport

1. To complete this passport the child needs to read 12 books. This means they have a whole page per book, so, if their writing lacks control there is still enough space for them to explain their thoughts. This makes the passport suitable across the primary years, in special education or as an option for some secondary pupils.

2. It has an authentic passport look to it, with the watermarking, logo etc. This should encourage pupils to take their entries seriously, while not being authentic enough to allow them out of the country!

3. The reading recorded in the passport is the pupil’s own personal reading – not their parents’ thoughts on their reading-scheme reading, nor their teacher’s comments on their decoding and comprehension skills. The passport entries are tangible evidence of pupils’ own personal responses to the texts they have read.

4. The prompts encourage young readers to engage with texts on the basis of what they have found interesting or exciting about them. This builds positivity about reading.

5. The passport develops active readers. The entries demand that they have opinions and make choices in relation to what they have read, helping them to become more critical and discerning readers of a wide range of text types: fiction; non-fiction; magazines; plays; poems and on-screen texts.

To find out more about Rooted in Reading, send a direct message in Twitter to @stevewillshaw or email me through the Contact page on this site and I will answer any questions you have, forward other resources, including an order form. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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